White Pilots

Hull’s favourite quintet, White Pilots, just happened to have a gig in Bristol last Sunday. Having not seen them play in well over a year, I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I missed the opportunity to see them again. They’ve asked me to take photos for them at past gigs quite a few times now, but I’ve never been able to make it. Hope this makes up for all those times missed!

Also, the band have a new single out soon, Back Bone, which I did the cover art for over the summer.

Watch this space.


The three of us were invited to attend and document the launch of ÜBERSONG last night at Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff.

Chapter Arts centre plays host to ÜBERSONG, a one-night event where the audience are invited on stage to sing their favourite song, regardless of their vocal ability.

The event aims to get people out of their comfort zone and perform in front of an audience. Choosing a song and taking to the stage can be a daunting yet reflective experience. “It’s something that makes us aware of how we live and shows us how songs can be linked to our identity.” said organiser Yvonne Buchheim. “ÜBERSONG is also about expectations and what happens when we don’t perform to the high standard we set ourselves.”

(via alt.cardiff)

As well as this, the night showcased a selection of video art pieces and also launched the book for Yvonne Buchheim’s Song Archive Project. It was a brilliant and surreal night. At times hilarious, touching, and thought-provoking.

The premise of the night seemed simple enough — get on stage, sing a song of your choice unaccompanied, feel better about yourself — but it was a long way away from your average go at karaoke. As the book highlights, a lot more goes into the choosing of a song than you might think. Without peer pressure, the influence of alcohol, or really any consequences whatsoever, what song would you choose to sing given the opportunity?

Artist Simon Whitehead sang “Heaven” by the Talking Heads, explaining it was a song he most associated with his teenage years. One audience member sang the Irish national anthem, another a tradition Welsh folk song. The Feral Choir asked the audience to write lyrics for them and then interpreted them in a free-jazz vocal explosion. Some sang funny songs, other sang songs with their own personal anecdotal introductions,…

It was a night of all sorts, but made me think particularly of a comment I had read on The Guardian early yesterday morning. A music teacher at Eton criticised the X Factor, saying it inspired a generation of aspirational singers wanting to be famous, but missing out on the sheer joy of singing; singing as an expression of happiness (or sadness, if that’s your bag)…

He should tell that to those at ÜBERSONG.

Tea, Cake and Pasta Bake

So we went round to see Jack and Jason the other night for some tea, cake and pasta bake. Lots of chatting, a surprising amount of dancing, more playing with Jason’s colourful possessions.

We also met Laney, a third year photography student who is at LCC, who was spending the week as Jason’s intern. She’s lovely.

Jason told us a very exciting bit of news. He sent my light video to Kieran Hebden (aka Four Tet), whose song Circling is used as the backing track for the little 40-second loop. He apparently loved it and thought we were wearing “laser suits”. That made my week.

Le Pub — November

Great Le Pub presentation evening last night. The second one of the year and we had a great attendance, as well as a really nice atmosphere. Just how every month should be. Well done also to Harry, Johan, Denise and Thijs for presenting!

Look out for the updated poster around uni soon which will have the date for the next Le Pub, and the final one before the Christmas break. We’ve already got a few spaces booked already, but if you want to present talk to Michael Fitzsimmons, Jack Martin or Ewan Paton.