Made to Stray — Photo Art 2015 Publication Launch

A huge congratulations to this year’s Photographic Art graduates from the University of South Wales. They are currently installed as a production line in the Atrium in Cardiff, handmaking 500 copies of their degree show publication. It’s a beautiful book and, collectively, the student work inside it is the strongest I’ve seen from the course (or any course) so far. I might have some personal – so proud of you, Katie! – and alumnus bias, but I really believe that to be true.

They’ve done so amazingly well and worked so hard that it doesn’t feel right to derail the celebrations with thoughts on the future of the course itself but it feels like it should be highlighted in the face of such a achievement.

Photo Art will be merged with a few other courses that have existed between the former Newport and Glamorgan universities to form a new photography course. There’s a real feeling of injustice that a course that has improved upon its already impressive track record every year for the 5 years that I’ve known it is being knocked back considerably and must rebuild itself again. Last year’s Leaving the Building publication — which I’m still immensely proud to have edited and contributed towards — felt like a banner year for the course and it’s amazing (but not surprising) that they have outdone themselves yet again this year. I can’t wait to see where these new graduates will end up next.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

P.S. Don’t forget to come to the Abacus in Cardiff this Thursday (June 4th) for the opening of the Photo Art graduation show (with a DJ set from me at the after party). More info here.

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